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A Helm chart for Plausible Community Edition

Type: application Version: 2.0.0 AppVersion: v2.1.5


  • helm - Refer to their docs to get started.


To use this chart add the repo as follows:

helm repo add pascaliske

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages.

To install this chart simply run the following command:

helm install plausible pascaliske/plausible

To uninstall this chart simply run the following command:

helm delete plausible


The following values can be used to adjust the helm chart.

Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Pod-level affinity. More info here.
certificate.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the certificate object.
certificate.create bool false Create an Certificate object for the exposed chart.
certificate.dnsNames list [] List of subject alternative names for the certificate.
certificate.issuerRef.kind string "ClusterIssuer" Type of the referenced certificate issuer. Can be "Issuer" or "ClusterIssuer". string "" Name of the referenced certificate issuer.
certificate.labels object {} Additional labels for the certificate object.
certificate.secretName string "" Name of the secret in which the certificate will be stored. Defaults to the first item in dnsNames.
controller.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the controller object.
controller.enabled bool true Create a workload for this chart.
controller.kind string "Deployment" Type of the workload object.
controller.labels object {} Additional labels for the controller object.
controller.replicas int 1 The number of replicas.
env[0] object {"name":"TZ","value":"UTC"} Timezone for the container.
fullnameOverride string ""
geoip.accountId string "" Required. MaxMind account ID.
geoip.enabled bool false Enable support for MaxMinds GeoLite2 database.
geoip.frequency int 168 Optional. Database update frequency. Defaults to "168" which equals 7 days.
geoip.image.repository string "" The repository for the geoip image.
geoip.image.tag string "v7.1.0" The docker tag for the geoip image.
geoip.licenseKey string "" Required. Case-sensitive MaxMind license key.
geoip.mountPath string "/geoip" Optional. Specify the database mount path inside the containers.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the controller.
image.registry string "" The registry to pull the image from.
image.repository string "plausible/community-edition" The repository to pull the image from.
image.tag string .Chart.AppVersion The docker tag, if left empty chart's appVersion will be used.
ingressRoute.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the ingress route object.
ingressRoute.create bool false Create an IngressRoute object for exposing this chart.
ingressRoute.entryPoints list [] List of entry points on which the ingress route will be available.
ingressRoute.labels object {} Additional labels for the ingress route object.
ingressRoute.middlewares list [] List of middleware objects for the ingress route.
ingressRoute.rule string "" Matching rule for the underlying router.
ingressRoute.tlsSecretName string "" Use an existing secret containing the TLS certificate.
nameOverride string ""
ports.http.enabled bool true Enable the port inside the Deployment and Service objects.
ports.http.nodePort string nil The external port used if .service.type == NodePort.
ports.http.port int 8000 The port used as internal port and cluster-wide port if .service.type == ClusterIP.
ports.http.protocol string "TCP" The protocol used for the service.
resources object {} Compute resources used by the container. More info here.
secret.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the secret object.
secret.create bool true Create a new secret object.
secret.existingSecret string "" Use an existing secret object.
secret.labels object {} Additional labels for the secret object.
secret.values object {"SECRET_KEY_BASE":"{{ randAlphaNum 42 | b64enc }}","TOTP_VAULT_KEY":"{{ randAlphaNum 32 | b64enc }}"} Secret values used when not using an existing secret. Helm templates are supported for values.
secret.values.SECRET_KEY_BASE string "{{ randAlphaNum 42 | b64enc }}" Secret key for session tokens.
secret.values.TOTP_VAULT_KEY string "{{ randAlphaNum 32 | b64enc }}" Encryption token for TOTP secrets.
securityContext object {} Pod-level security attributes. More info here.
service.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the service object.
service.clusterIP string "" ClusterIP used if service type is ClusterIP.
service.enabled bool true Create a service for exposing this chart.
service.labels object {} Additional labels for the service object.
service.loadBalancerIP string "" LoadBalancerIP if service type is LoadBalancer.
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] Allowed addresses when service type is LoadBalancer.
service.type string "ClusterIP" The service type used.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the service account object.
serviceAccount.create bool true Create a ServiceAccount object.
serviceAccount.labels object {} Additional labels for the service account object. string "" Specify the service account used for the controller.
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the service monitor object.
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Create a service monitor for prometheus operator.
serviceMonitor.interval string "30s" How frequently the exporter should be scraped.
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional labels for the service monitor object.
serviceMonitor.timeout string "10s" Timeout value for individual scrapes.
tolerations list [] Pod-level tolerations. More info here.


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MIT – © 2025 Pascal Iske